Ever wanted to fly over your own house in XP11 or XP12? Even with the most detailed scenery, this is rarely possible... until now!
Introducing 'Build My House' by Boundless. Take a look at our detailed information and contact form below to find out how we can add your house to your copy of x-plane.
how does it work?
We're keeping it simple. All you need to do is fill in the form below with your details. We aim to respond within 24 hours with an individual price quote and a request for any further details. We will build your house in x-plane and send you the unique custom scenery which can be easily installed in XP11 or XP12. Full instructions will be included with your download, and it's as easy as installing any usual airport! The project will be sent over as a private product link - so all details and payments will be securely handled through our usual store system.
how much does it cost?
Our pricing is fully dependant on how complex your building is! We aim to provide an individual quote (With no pressure or obligation) within 24 hours of your request. As a rough guide, a typical, simple detached house should cost approximately £20. Further details, outbuildings or special requests will of course change this, but we are fully flexible and will tailor each model to your individual needs.
are my details safe?
Yes of course - any personal details are perfectly safe. We are fully GDPR compliant and any personal data such as addresses will be held securely. Data will not be shared with anyone and will be fully wiped once the final sale has been processed. You can always contact us if you would like any further information or if you happen to have any concerns or queries.
can you build any house?
Yes - whether you live in a caravan or a castle we can add a realistic model of your house to X-Plane! Our dedicated team of modellers are experienced with a range of detailed and simple designs and our experience in building airports all over the world ensures we are up for any challenge. Obviously, each quote is tailored specifically to the level of detail, scope and complexity you are looking for.
make it happen.
Submit your information below to generate a free request with no obligation - we'll be in touch with a quote and extra details as soon as we can (Usually within 24 hours!).